Creating the Storage Parameter Tables

Use this procedure to create the storage parameter tables.

Note: Unless you are using partitioning, you do not need to do anything with law_dba_clauses at this time. If you decide to implement partitioning in the future, any storage parameters specified in law_dba_clauses overrides the same storage parameters previously defined in law_dba_table and law_dba_index.

To create the storage parameter tables

  1. Change the following values in the build_law.sql script, using the text editor of your choice:
    • On the first line, replace the LAWSON value with your database name. Type:

      USE lawson

    • Change the location of the table and index by substituting the name of your table and index where table_name and index_name appear in the script.

      create table law_dba_table (
         table_name varchar2(30) not null,
         tablespace_name varchar2(30),
         ini_trans number check (ini_trans between 1 and 255),
         max_trans number check (max_trans between 1 and 255),
         initial_extent number,
         next_extent number,
         min_extents number check (min_extents > 0),
         max_extents number,
         pct_increase number,
         pct_free number check ((pct_free >= 0) and (pct_free < 100)),
         pct_used number check ((pct_used >= 0) and (pct_used < 100)),
         uvarchar char(1),
         unulls char(1),
         freelists number,
         freelist_groups number,
         parallel char(1),
         degree number,
         instances number,
         nulldate char(1),
         primary key (TABLE_NAME)
      create table law_dba_index (
         table_name varchar2(30) not null,
         index_name varchar2(30) not null,
         tablespace_name varchar2(30),
         ini_trans number check (ini_trans between 2 and 255),
         max_trans number check (max_trans between 2 and 255),
         initial_extent number,
         next_extent number,
         min_extents number check (min_extents > 0),
         max_extents number,
         pct_increase number,
         pct_free number check ((pct_free >= 0) and (pct_free < 100)),
         nosort char(1),
         freelists number,
         freelist_groups number,
         parallel char(1),
         degree number,
         instances number,
         primary key (table_name, index_name)
  2. Use a SQL utility provided by the database vendor to run the build_law.sql command file found in the $GENDIR/oracle directory.