Form Query Commands

Following is reference information about form query commands. Creating Form Queries

OLE DB Object Services Internal Name Screen Name Default Values Description
_ACAS All Strings 0 (off) Select this option if you want to override data typing and treat all columns in the rowset as strings.
_ACRW All Fields Read/Write 0 (off) Select this option to make all columns read and write. This option will override the read/write specification of the form definition.
_IDARULES Include Drill Around 1 (on) Select this option to disable Drill Around rules calls. Disabling this option can improve performance. If you want to improve performance, disable this option by setting it to "0" and then test to make sure that your form query performs as expected. If it does not, reset this option to "1."
_KEYLEVEL KeyLevel 0 (off) Treat a change in key value at the level specified as an End of Set condition.
_UNKEOS End of Set on Unknown Status 0 (off) Select this option if you want any status other than OK to indicate that the last row has been retrieved by the Lawson ERP application.
The following options are for controlling the Function Codes (FC) field and the status that is returned for each function code command. These options are available from the Function Code Properties dialog box. (To access, click Form Properties on the AGS tab.)
_ADDCMD Add Command A Value for the FC field the connector will use when it sends a newly inserted row to the Lawson application. If this field is blank, the consumer must set a value in the FC column to be used for adding the row through the Lawson ERP application.
_ADDSTAT Add Success Status 000 List of Lawson ERP application statuses that indicate to the connector that the row was successfully added by the Lawson application.
_CHGCMD Change Command C Value for the FC field the connector will use when it sends a modified row to the Lawson ERP application. If this field is blank, the consumer must set a value in the FC column to be used for changing the row through the Lawson application.
_CHGSTAT Change Success Status 000 This is a list of Lawson ERP application statuses that indicate to the connector that the row was successfully changed by the Lawson application.
_DELCMD Delete Command D This is the value for the FC field the connector will use when it sends a row to delete to the Lawson ERP application. If this field is blank, the consumer must set a value in the FC column to be used for deleting the row through the Lawson ERP application.
_DELSTAT Delete Success Status 000 List of statuses indicating that the row was successfully deleted by the Lawson ERP application.
_INQCMD Inquire Command I

Value for the FC field the connector will use when it refreshes a row from the Lawson ERP application.

If this field is blank, the consumer must set a value in the FC column to be used for refreshing the row through the Lawson ERP application. Typically, you will want to blank out this field for forms that have a detail area. Doing so will let you control the paging of detail areas.

_INQSTAT Inquire End of Set Status Codes 000|001|012 List of Lawson ERP application statuses that indicate the row was successfully inquired on by the Lawson ERP application.
_NXTCMD Next Command N Value for the FC field the connector will use when it tries to retrieve the next AGS row from the Lawson ERP application. If this field is blank, you will not be able to fetch forward in the rowset. Set this option to "P" to reverse the order of rows in the rowset as you fetch forward.
_NXTEOS Next End of Set Status Codes 010|001|012 List of Lawson ERP application statuses that indicate to the connector that the last row has been retrieved.
_NXTSTAT Next Success Status 000 List of Lawson ERP application statuses that indicate to the connector that the next row was successfully retrieved by the Lawson application.
_CMDTYPE Command Type Servlet Infor Lawson System Foundation Release 9.0 and higher: All queries are to servlets.


No arguments

Use this parameter if you want a query to be read-only, that is, to ensure that the query cannot update data.

IOS AGS parameters

These are parameters that you will typically use when creating form queries with OLE DB Object Services.

_PDL Data area (or product line)
_TKN Form name
FC Function code