Auto-Loading Lawson Users (loadusers)

This topic describes how to run the loadusers utility to initially populate the Lawson system with user data. The user data is pumped into the Lawson system from an XML file that you create.

The program takes an XML file of user data as input. You must have created this file before you run the program.

For more information, see these sections:

  • "The XML Input File for loadusers: General Information"

  • "Example 1: Creating a loadusers XML Input File for Self-service Center Users"

  • "Example 2: Creating a loadusers XML Input File for Batch Users"

Before you run loadusers, make sure LS logging is set to ALL (in either General or Debug mode). This will ensure that you capture all available information if an error occurs.

To run the loadusers utility

  1. Log into the system as the correct user for your platform:
    • UNIX: Log in as "lawson"

    • Windows: Log in as an Administrator (or as any user who has been granted full access to the loadusers utility through Lawson Security).

    • IBM i: Log in as "LAWSON"

  2. From a command window, type

    loadusers -f file_name -p product_line -d defaultDomain [-a]


    file_name is the name of the XML input file. This file is input for the program and must always be provided.

    product_line is the product line that will be used if a product line is not specified for a user in the XML input file.

    defaultDomain is the user's Windows domain. This value must always be provided when running loadusers on a Windows machine. (It is not needed on other platforms.)

    The -a option causes any roles you assign to existing users to be appended to the list of roles the user already has rather than overwriting their existing roles. If you do not use this option, the each existing user's roles will be replaced by the roles specified for that user in the input file.

  3. Check the log file to make sure that no errors occurred:


    where "#" indicates the JVM (0, 1 or 2) which ran the job.

    Results of all attempts to run loadusers and any errors are logged there.

    Search the Lawson Knowledge Base for more information about how to interpret the log file generated by loadusers.

If you run both Infor Lawson System Foundation and Infor Landmark Technology in a federated configuration, you must now re-run the federation procedure using Lawson Security Services. See Lawson SEcurity Services Configuration Guide for more information.