Running as another user for configuration and testing
For applications that connect to LSF through a remote system, such as the Direct IOS API, the special RM attribute isRunAsEnabled can be used to help with troubleshooting and testing.
This attribute allows an administrative user to run as if they are another user but without having access to that user's data.
For example, suppose a salary clerk, who has responsibility for updating employee salary information, was having some issues with an application. After troubleshooting the problem, the administrator might want to test this user's log-in to make sure she could still access the system.
In order to ensure that the administrator could test the access rights without seeing or updating salary information, the administrator can change the RM attribute "isRunAsEnabled" for his own user ID to be the user ID of the salary clerk. The administrator is then able to run as the other user but without viewing confidential data.
This attribute is only applicable in remote connection situations such as those made with the Direct IOS API.