Assigning Roles to Users

This procedure describes how to assign an individual user to a role when the user already exists. You can also:

  • Assign users to roles when you initially add them to the system.

  • Mass-assign users to roles using the Mass Assignment tool.

To assign an existing user to a role

  1. From the Lawson Security Administrator, select User Management and then Select User Maintenance.
  2. Perform a query to locate the user you want to assign to a role.
  3. Right-click on the entry for the user and then select Edit RM Information.
  4. From the dialog box that appears, select the Role attribute.
  5. Click the icon at the far right of the attribute row.
  6. If you are running only Lawson System Foundation (most customers), a dialog box for assigning roles appears.
    Form clip: Role assignment dialog box (LSF)
  7. If your Lawson Environment is federated, that is, both Lawson System Foundation and Lawson Landmark Technology are installed on your system and both authenticate through the Landmark authentication service (SSOPV2), the dialog box that appears contains tabs for Role and ActorRole.
    Form clip: Role and ActorRole assignment dialog box (LSF and Landmark federated Environment)

    Click Role to assign roles to the user in LSF. Click ActorRole to assign roles to the user in Landmark. Users can have roles in both LSF and Landmark.

  8. In the Assign Values column (left side of dialog box), select the role you want to assign and then use the right-pointing arrow to select it.
  9. Assign all roles that you want this user to have and then click Finish.