The loadusers Utility XML Input File Template: Description of Attributes Included in this File

Lawson delivers a template to GENDIR/system/loadusers.xml.template. When you are ready to create your input file, it is a good idea to open the template in a text editor and save it with a new name. (This is not a requirement but it is a good idea to not overwrite the template file in case you need to recreate an input file.)

The attributes in your input file should be populated as needed. You will not need to populate all the attributes. The table that follows describes the meaning of each node in the template file and its attributes.

Node Attribute


You can add roles to the system through the loadusers input file. This procedure creates the role; it does not assign security classes to the role. If the role is based on an existing parent role, the role will inherit classes that are assigned to the parent role.

Any roles you create through the input file can also be assigned to users through the input file.

ROLE ID = The unique ID of the role.
Description = The description of the role.
Parent Role = If a role is based on another role, include the Parent Role attribute


You can add groups to the system through the loadusers input file. This node creates the group.

Any groups you create through the input file can also be assigned to users through the input file.

GROUP ID = The unique ID of the group
Description = The description of the group.


This node populates user data. It has two optional, global attributes: ProductLine and SSOPPASSWORD.

It is also the parent tag to the <USER> </USER> tag which has many attributes. <USER></USER> and all its attributes must be contained within <USERDATA></USERDATA>.

The <USERDATA></USERDATA> must exist in the file, but may have not contents if you are not using the file to add, change, or delete users.

ProductLine (global attribute) = If you populate ProductLine here, it will be used as a default for users for whom you do not specify a unique product line. (The command line parameter for ProductLine is used as a default when neither this attribute nor the user-specific attribute is populated.)

SSOPPASSWORD (global attribute) = A global password that will be assigned to all users as an initial password for the SSOP service identity. (The SSOP identity is the user ID and password through which Lawson users log into the Lawson Portal.) If you do not specify a password here, all users will be assigned their USER ID for a password.

This attribute is available for administrators who prefer to set an initial password of their own choosing rather than repeat the user ID. In either case, users must change their initial SSOP password as soon as possible through the Lawson Portal


USER is a child tag to the USERDATA tag. This means that <USER> </USER> and all attributes related to USER must be enclosed within the <USERDATA> </USERDATA> tags.

  • Most attributes are optional; required attributes are specified in the column to the right.

  • Unused attributes can be omitted from the node or they can be blank with empty double quote marks as placeholders.

ID = The user's identity on the SSOP service. Typically, this is the same as the RMID for a user. (The RMID is the main unique ID for a user in the Lawson system.)

You must provide this attribute in the XML file. loadusers auto-populates other attributes with this data.

RMID = The unique identifier for the user. This attribute is required for a valid user entry in LDAP; if you do not provide an RMID, it is auto-populated with the same ID as in the USER ID attribute.

Leave RMID blank to tell loadusers to use the USER ID attribute for RMID. Most customers will want to leave RMID blank; this ensures that the user's SSOP identity is the same as RMID. If you do not want the RMID to be the same as the SSOP identity, provide a different ID from the one you supplied for USER ID.

OSID = This attribute is needed if the user requires a unique ID on the operating system (batch, command line, or HR data item security user).

Any user who has an OSID must also have an OSPASSWORD.

OSPASSWORD = The operating system password for this user. Needed if the user requires a unique ID on the operating system (batch, command line, or HR data item security user).
Name = The user's first and last name separated by a space. Lawson strongly recommends populating this attribute.
First Name = The user's first name. This attribute is required for a valid user entry in LDAP.
Last Name = The user's last name. This attribute is required for a valid user entry in LDAP.
CheckLS = Enter YES so that the user will secured through Lawson Security.

Role = The names of roles that should be assigned to this user.

Separate multiple roles with commas, for example, Role = "Role1,Role2".

Group = The names of groups that should be assigned to this user.

Separate multiple groups with commas, for example, Group = "Group1,Group2".

ProductLine = The specific product line for this user. An assignment here is used instead of the default.


The IDENTITIES node populates data for Self-Service center agents.


IDENTITY is a child tag to the IDENTITIES tag. This means that <IDENTITY> </IDENTITY> and all attributes related to IDENTITY must be enclosed within the <IDENTITIES> </IDENTITIES> tags.

ID = The user's identity on the service. This is typically the RMID.
SERVICE = The name of the Self-Service center agent.

Self-Service center codes: If this attribute is for a self-service center agent, include the user's identifier(s) here.

Employee and Manager applications: Data is COMPANY and EMPLOYEE

Vendor application: Data is VENDOR and VENDOR_GROUP

Customer application: Data is CUSTOMER and CUSTOMER_GROUP

Requisition Center application: REQUESTER

If you created any unique attributes for a service or agent, include them here. (This includes attributes for any unique services you might have created.)