Running the upload in the background

You can run the upload process in the background while you continue your work on the worksheet being uploaded.

  1. Select the Run the upload in the background option in the User Preferences before starting the upload.
    By doing this, you will be able to minimize the main Upload Wizard window while the upload is ongoing, and continue to edit the worksheet currently being uploaded, or even work on a separate one. Keep in mind that the state of the upload data is saved just before the upload begins, so any changes made after the upload has started will not be considered.
    When the upload has finished and/or was cancelled, you will be prompted to load the upload results back to the worksheet file.
  2. Click OK. The return messages will be written on the results column of the worksheet.
    If Excel is currently busy when the upload has finished, or if you are currently editing another worksheet, you may receive a message prompt regarding persistent activity in the Excel worksheet.
    When you deselect the current cell, a message prompt regarding the upload results will follow, and the normal upload process will continue.
    Note: Disabling this feature in the User Preferences will revert Upload Wizard to its previous behavior, which is to run the upload in the foreground, and locking the worksheet from being edited.