What Is the Upload Wizard?

The Infor Lawson Upload Wizard (or, simply, Upload Wizard) provides a quick and easy method to move data in and out of Infor Lawson application forms so that you don't have to enter or delete it manually. Using the Upload Wizard, you can take data in an existing Excel worksheet, map the Excel columns to Infor Lawson form fields, then load the data into an Infor Lawson form. The Upload Wizard can be used to add data, change existing data, or delete entire records from Infor Lawson forms.

You can use the Query Wizard to extract data from Infor Lawson into Excel, use Excel to manipulate the data, and then use the Upload Wizard to load data back into Infor Lawson.

Note: You must have a very strong knowledge and understanding of the form and application to which you are uploading data. Data that is not entered correctly can corrupt the integrity of data in the database.