Copying Lawson Data with dbcopy

Use the dbcopy command to copy data from one data area (the SourceDataArea ) to another (the DestinationDataArea ).

To copy data

At a command prompt, type:

dbcopy [-cdpfiRt] [-I FieldDataFile] [-S SourceDirectory] [-D DestinationDirectory] SourceDataArea DestinationDataArea [FileName|SystemCode ...]

where the following program options may be used.

Program Option Description
c Convert data where the two files do not exactly match. Columns in both files are copied and columns only in the destination file are set to the default value. If the files are the same, no conversion is done.
d Delete the file and indexes from the destination data area database (if they exist), create the file in the database, copy the data, and then create the indexes after copying.
p Precreate indexes before copying. Only use with -d.
f Fix records while copying.
i Ignore errors while copying.
R Reject records with bad keys while copying.
t Truncate the file in the destination data area database prior to copying the data.
I FieldDataFile

Read data to initialize destination file fields.

The format for the data in FieldDataFile is FileName FieldName FieldOccurrence FieldValue .

The data in FieldDataFile may be space, tab, or comma-delimited. Each entry (row) is delimited by a newline character.

If FieldName in FieldDataFile exists in both source and destination data areas, then the corresponding FieldValue overrides the value read in from the source database.

FileName The file in the destination data area that this row contains a default value for.
FieldName The name of a field in FileName that this row contains a default value for.
FieldOccurrence The field's occurrence. Set this option to 1 (one) or higher.
FieldValue The default value you want to populate FieldName .
S Read source data from files in the SourceDirectory directory.
D Write destination data to files in the DestinationDirectory directory.
V Print the version of dbcopy.