Implementing Lawson Security Constraints in the Database

Use this procedure to duplicate Infor Lawson table level security in the IBM DB2 database.

When you make changes to any of your Infor Lawson table-level security constraints, run bldibmsec to implement the changes in the IBM DB2 database.

When you drop and recreate any tables either by using the bldibmsec utility or by reorganizing the database, you also drop all security constraints on those tables in the IBM DB2 database. Run bldibmsec again to reinsert your table-level constraints.

To implement security constraints in the database

At a command prompt, type

bldibmsec [-UDGVq] [-u DbLoginName] [-p Password] DataArea DatabaseService

Consider the following options:

Option Description
-u DbLoginName The database user login.
-p Password The password for the database user.
-U Update mode. Issue query directly to the database.

Drop-only processing; revoke all permissions from all Lawson tables for all Lawson users.

Once Lawson table-level security exists in the IBM DB2 database, generate SQL statements to remove it by running the bldibmsec utility with the drop (-D) flag.

DataArea The data area that you want to apply security to.

Lawson Security only.

The name of the database service defined for your system.

For each RMId, bldibmsec validates its access to the DatabaseService. If the RMId has access to the service, bldibmsec resolves the RMId’s database login and generates the grant/revoke SQL statement.

V Print the version.
-q Do not print the commands to stdout.