Stopping and Starting the Lawson Database Server

It might be necessary to stop and start servers for routine system maintenance and for troubleshooting. When you make a change to a configuration file, you often need to stop and restart the affected server to ensure that the change takes effect.

You can stop or start servers individually or as part of the procedure of shutting down and starting up the Lawson system.

To stop and start all of the Lawson servers, use the stoplaw and startlaw commands as well as the commands for stopping and starting the RMI server. The startlaw and stoplaw commands control all servers.

Note: Always shut down the application server (such as WebSphere), before issuing a stoplaw or stopladb command and restart the application server before issuing a startlaw or startladb command.

The following chart lists the server stop and start routines as well as other information associated with each server.

Server Stop and start routine .cfg file Log file



ladb.cfg $LAWDIR/system/ladb.log
All Lawson servers



N/A Log file for specific server