ctmaint - Change Tracking

ctmaint -enable [-d] [-f] [-v] dataarea tablename

ctmaint -disable|list|verify dataarea [tablename]

Use the ctmaint utility to enable or disable change tracking for a file or table. You can also use this utility to list the current change tracking settings and to verify if a table or file can have change tracking enabled or not.

After you make changes through ctmaint, you must run blddbdict and dbreorg.

When you enable a table for change tracking, a field is added to the table. You can view the change tracking results by using database queries on the new timestamp field for the file or table. The name of the field is <DBfileprefix>-CH-STAMP .

The same functionality can be achieved through the Change Tracking field in the Database Definition utility (dbdef) when you are defining a file.

Program Option Description
-enable Enable change tracking for a table.
d Enable change tracking of deletes. (Default does not track deletes.)
f Enable change tracking of non-LSF changes (for example, Land mark or non-Lawson updates).
v Make change tracking index virtual (the default is a physical index).
-disable Disable change tracking for a table or for all tables in a data area. (If you do not specify a table, the command applies to all tables in the data area.)
-list List the change tracking status for a table or all tables in the data area. (If you do not specify a table, the command applies to all tables in the data area.)
-verify Check if a table is eligible for change tracking. (If you do not specify a table, the command applies to all tables in the data area.)