checkibmplan - Check IBM Plan for SQL Statements

checkibmplan [-drV] [u DbLoginName] [p Password] dataarea [filename|systemcode ...]

For IBM DB2, the checkibmplan utility verifies the plan for find-lock for all indexes in the selected files in the Data Area. It:

  • Generates the SQL used by the driver for which a bad plan could cause deadlocks.

  • Examines the explain tables to determine if the plan chosen by the IBM DB2 database server is acceptable.

  • Runs the commands with explain mode enabled.

  • Reports those tables and indexes for which the plan is not acceptable.


  • Generates a runstats command for each table with a problem.

Program Option Description
d Run with debug turned on.
r Generate runstat commands for the IBM DB2 command line processor instead of warnings.



Specify one or more files or a system codes to analyze.
V Print the utility version.