Working with Files in the Editor

Opening or closing a file, opening multiple windows, saving or replacing files, and sending a file to a printer or mail are accessed by pressing File (F4) in both personalities of the Editor.

By pressing Shift+File (Shift+F4), the current file in the window can be exchanged with another file.

To perform file operations

  1. Press File (F4).
  2. Select an option.
    Choose To
    Open Open a new file or 4GL source in a new window.
    Close Close the file or 4GL source in the current window.
    Replace Replace the file or 4GL source in the current window.
    Save Save the current window.
    Save As Save the file in the current window with a new name.

    Open an alternate options file. The default options file is $HOME/.led_$LOGNAME.

    For more information, see Changing User Options.
    Tag Open an alternate tag file. The default tag file is ./tags.
    Type Change the file type of the open file.
    Send To Send the file (all), only the marked section, or only the text visible in the window to the printer, to mail, or to a new file.
    Exit Exit the Editor.
  3. Press OK.