Turning On Distributed Batch Processing

Use this procedure to turn on distributed batch processing. You must explicitly turn on distributed batch processing in order to be able to submit jobs from any node in the network cluster and to have job steps run on assigned nodes.

Note: After you have turned on distributed batch processing, you should not turn it off. If you run jobs from different nodes when distributed batch processing is turned off, you may have inconsistent job-related records in the GEN database.

Before you start, you must complete all other setup steps for distributed batch processing to turn on distributed batch processing.

To turn distributed batch processing on

  1. At the command line, specify this information:

    jscluster -s on

  2. At the command line, specify this information:

    jscluster -D

    This command turns off print file replication. Print file replication is not needed in distributed batch processing system because all print files will be in the shared file system.

  3. Stop and start the Lawson system on all nodes. This ensures that the Lawson Batch Server (lajs) is only running on the master batch server.