Configuring the Infor Lawson Application server

Use this procedure to configure the Lawson Application Server for optimal performance for your Lawson system.

Ensure that the SSOP timeout value is greater than either the ServerIOTimeout or the MAXUPTIME values. Note that the ServerIOTimeout value must be equal to MAXUPTIME setting.

See the information on how to set the SSOP timeout in Lawson Administration: Resources and Security.

See the information on how to set the MAXUPTIME setting in latm.cfg parameters reference.

  1. Using a text editor, open the latm.cfg file.

    Location: $LAWDIR/system/latm.cfg

  2. Make the changes to the following latm.cfg parameters as needed. latm.cfg parameters reference
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Select one of the following methods to activate the changes
    • To stop and restart the server, specify this information:



      - or -

    • To run the Transaction Monitor Control utility, specify this information:

      tmcontrol -rc

      Transaction Monitor Control Utility