To add Lawson network services to the services file
Open the
file. -
Create entries for the tcpjsLAWENVNAME and tcpexecjobLAWENVNAME services.
For the tcpjsLAWENVNAME and tcpexecjobLAWENVNAME services, use the following format:
ServiceNameLAWENVNAME PortNumber/tcp # Description
where ServiceName is the identifying name for the service, LAWENVNAME is the Lawson Environment name as stored in the $LAWENVNAME environment variable, and PortNumber is a unique port. The port number for each service must be the same on all machines and cannot be used by any other network service in the network. This is referred to as a "well-known" port because it is used on all machines in the network cluster, but it is unique on the network itself. To check the $LAWENVNAME variable, use the echo command.
Note: If you have multiple Lawson Environments, where each Lawson Environment is set up for distributed batch processing, your services and inetd.conf files will contain multiple entries for tcpjs and tcpexecjob, with the entries distinguished from each other by the addition of an Environment reference.Sample services file:
tcpjs90env 9996/tcp # Lawson Remote Batch JS API
tcpexecjob90env 9998/tcp # Lawson Remote Batch Execution
- Save the additions to the services file.
- Repeat the previous steps on each node or machine in the network cluster.