Resolving appmetadiff Differences

This section describes typical differences or discrepancies that may be reported in the appmetadiff report, and explains how to resolve them. The appmetadiff report must report no differences for the copying of a product line to be successful and contain the expected functionality.

If you have not made any customizations to the application, you should not have any differences reported. If differences are reported, something outside of the application maintenance processes has occurred.

To resolve some differences reported by appmetadiff, you may need to use the metadump and metaload utilities. However, Infor Lawson Core Technology 10.0.x does not allow security access automatically to these utilities. You have the option of turning Lawson Security off (lsconfig –c passwd OFF) or creating a security class providing access to the metadump and metaload utilities.

For information on create security access, see Setting Up Access to the metadump and metaload Utilities

For general information on the metadump and metaload utilities, see the System Utilities Reference Guide.

The following table shows representative types of messages you may see in the appmetadiff report. The appmetadiff report is found in the following location: $LAWDIR/prodlineName/Admin/appmetadiff.rpt.

Warning - source location for <object> doesn't match GEN:
  GEN:  <expected-location>
  FILE:  <actual-location>
Object <object> exists in GEN but has no source file;
  will dump from GEN to <object-path> and stamp new file.
Object <object> has source but does not exist in GEN;
  will load to GEN from <object-path>.
Object <object> - differences found between GEN and source file;
  will dump <object> from GEN to <object-path>
                <object> differences:
       >=source file
  < <object-type>:<GEN-metadata>
  > <object-type>:<metadata-source>