Dump and Load Activities Logs

Many of the dump and load utilities discussed in this chapter have an automatic logging feature that allows the system administrator to view the date, time, user name, type, program and key field information when a user runs one of the utilities or programs.

You can view this information in $LAWDIR/system/secadmin.log.

Sample secadmin.log

Fri Oct 27 16:23:16 2005
 UserName:  JSMITH
 Program:   dbload
 Key Field: dbload -a crterrmap /sertech/univ/deliv/lapm.err

Fri Oct 27 16:24:22 2005
 UserName:  JSMITH
 Program:   ldunvtkns
 Key Field: ldunvtkns /sertech/univ/deliv/univ.tokens

Fri Oct 27 16:25:51 2005
 UserName:  JSMITH
 Program:   lduniveng
 Key Field: lduniveng /sertech/univ/deliv/univeng.dmp

Fri Oct 27 16:32:03 2005
 UserName:  BTHOMP
 Program:   ldunivlibs
 Key Field: ldunivlibs /sertech/univ/deliv/univlibs.dmp

The following is a partial list of the activities tracked by the secadmin.log file.

createprodline dmpuniveng ldprodmenus
dbdump dmpunivlibs ldtitle
dbload dmpunivmenus ldunivlibs
dmpappclmphr dmpunvphr ldunivmenus
dmpappmsg expsysdb ldunivtkns
dmpappphr gendbload ldunvmsg
dmpdftxt impexp ldunvphr
dmpfldtxt importdb loadrpts
dmplang jobdump rngdbdump
dmppgftxt jobload secdump
dmpprodmenus ldappphr secload
dmpscrtxt lddoctxt sysdump
dmpsecdict ldlang sysload

In addition, when you create a product line, data area, data ID, system code, or token (form ID), a message is stored in the secadmin.log. These messages are as follows:

Securable Object Message
Product line, data area/data ID Security class is granted access to new data area or data ID.
System code Security class is granted access to new SystemCode.
Token or form ID Security class is granted access to new Token.