To delete batch job history from a command line

At the command line, type

deljobhst -ckjrUvw [-d] [-u username] [-f fromdate] todate

Program Option Description

Delete Completed Job Entries deletes completed jobs on the Completed Jobs form and deletes the associated job logs from $LAWDIR/system/joblog.

k Keep Entries, Do Not Delete Produces a report listing the job histories without deleting them.
j Delete Recurring Job Entries Deletes recurring job entries that have passed their stop dates.

Delete batch report files. Deletes all print files from the Print Manager.

If you want to use the -r option, you must have the set UID bit set on deljobhst to enable it to run with root permission. Otherwise, the records are removed from GEN, but the print files are not physically removed.

U Print usage and syntax. Prints the file usage and syntax for the selected job history.
v Verbose. Produces a report listing the verbose entries.
d Debug Messages and Verbose. Displays debug messages and other details while the deljobhst utility runs.
w Delete waiting job entries. Deletes the waiting job entries on the Waiting Jobs form.
u username Delete entries for username.
f fromdate

The date from which to start deleting job entries, in mmddyy format.

todate is the date to delete job entries up to, in mmddyy format; or curdate [-nbrdays].

Note: If you do not use the -f fromdate option, the system deletes all job histories up to todate.