Deleting a Needs Recovery Job

For users whose access is controlled by Lawson Security, they can delete a job that has failed and gone to Needs Recovery status only if they have been given Delete privileges on the QUEUEDJOB file in GEN.

This information pertains only to jobs submitted using the lacobrts utility.

If a job returns with a status of 1 or receives a signal (No disk space), and you want to delete the report, you must remove the record in the CKPOINT file in the Environment database. This record enables the resubmitted file to continue where it left off, rather than returning to the beginning of the job. The Delete CKPOINT Entry utility (delckpoint) removes the record from the Environment database.

When running a batch update job, use delckpoint with extreme care. Running delckpoint could cause data loss or corruption if not used appropriately. An example of a situation where you should run delckpoint for a batch update job is after the database has been restored, so that the job runs from the beginning, rather than from where it left off.
At the command line, type

delckpoint username jobname productline