Touch Files
Touch files are another way to configure system settings. The name touch file refers to the touch command that can be used to create an empty file.
You can force a banner page break when report files are printed with the presence of the BANNERPGBRK file.
Location: $LAWDIR/ProductlineName/BANNERPGBPK
You can use the PRINTRCVON file to generate print and work file recovery routines in the program shell at compile time. This automatically enables the print and work file recovery feature the next time the program runs after compiling. You must create the PRINTRCVON file; the default is OFF.
The existence of either of these files affects all programs within the system code.
Location: $LAWDIR/ProductlineName/SystemCode/PRINTRCVON
- or -
Location: $LAWDIR/ProductlineName/SystemCode/PRINTRCVOFF
The existence of either of these files affects all programs within a product line.
Location: $LAWDIR/ProductlineName/PRINTRCVON
- or -
Location: $LAWDIR/ProductlineName/PRINTRCVOFF