Copying a step definition
- Access the Job Definition utility (jobdef).
- On the Job Definition form, type or select. the job name to which you want to copy the steps from another job.
- In the detail area of the Job Definition form, highlight the step above to which you want to copy the new step(s) and press Append (F7). To append the step(s) after the last existing step, highlight the detail line below the last step before pressing Append (F7).
In the Append Step window, type or select the following information:
- From User
The user whose job step(s) you want to copy.
- From Job
The job containing the step(s) you want to copy.
- To User
Display only. The user you want to copy the job step(s) to.
- To Job
Display only The name of the job the steps will be copied to.
- To Step #
Display only. The step number of the first copied step.
- Press Enter to copy the step(s).