Deleting Job Queue Default Assignments

Use this procedure if you want to delete the assignment of a default job queue to a data area/data ID, application, form ID prefix, or form ID.

To delete a job queue default assignment

  1. Access the Job Queue Defaults utility.
    • Choose Job Queue Defaults from the Job Control menu.

      - or -

    • At the command line, type:


    The Job Queue Defaults form appears.

  2. To remove a job queue assignment for a data area/data ID, edit the following fields.
    Data Area/ Data ID

    Specify the data area/data ID from which you are removing a job queue default.

    Job Queue

    Replace the existing job queue assignment with the default queue for the Environment.

  3. To remove job queue assignments from an application, form ID prefix, or form ID, move to the detail portion of the form and select the application, form ID prefix, or form ID from which you want to remove the job queue assignment.
  4. Replace the job queue assignment with spaces.
  5. Press Enter twice to save.
  6. If you deleted the job queue default for a form ID prefix or a form ID and you do not plan to later add a different job queue default to the form ID prefix or form ID, you can then remove the entries for those in the $LAWDIR/system/_ext.cfg file.
    Note: Never delete an entry from the $LAWDIR/system/jqdflt_ext.cfg file if there are any job queue assignment for it. Such a deletion will leave orphaned records in the table that stores records for the jqdflt utility and could lead to unexpected results.