Application Report Options

The following location information refers to ProductLine.cfg, SystemCode.cfg, or ProgramCode.cfg.


  • The existence of parameters in this file sets every program at the product line level.

    Location: $LAWDIR/productlinename/ProductLineName.cfg


  • The existence of parameters in either of these files sets system specifications at the system code level and overrides any settings in the ProductLine.cfg file, if it exists.

    Location: $LAWDIR/productlinename/obj/SYSTEMCODE.cfg

    - or -

    Location: $LAWDIR/productlinename/systemcodesrc/SYSTEMCODE.cfg


  • The existence of parameters in either of these files sets system specifications at the program level and overrides the settings in any existing SystemCode.cfg and ProductLine.cfg files.

    Location: $LAWDIR/productlinename/systemcodesrc/PROGRAMCODE.cfg

    - or -

    Location: $LAWDIR/productlinename/obj/PROGRAMCODE.cfg

Some system parameters can be defined for a given product line, for a system code within a product line, or for an individual program within a system code.

The lowest-level file that is found overrides any higher-level files. For example, if the ProductLine.cfg file does not contain a parameter, but the ProgramCode.cfg does contain that parameter, the program has the specified parameter setting even though the product line specification does not exist. Higher-level files do not have to exist for lower-level files to be valid.