Defining a printer with a print command shorter than 50 characters

  1. Access the Printer Definition utility.

    From the System Administration menu, choose Printer Definition.

    - or -

    At the command prompt, type:


  2. Move to the blank line at the bottom of the list of printers or press Insert (F8) to insert a blank line.
  3. On the Printer Definition form, type the following data.

    A unique name for the printer.


    A short unique description of the printer.

    Print Command

    Type the 50-character (or less) command in the correct UNIX syntax that sends the output to the desired destination.

    Note: Press Enter, Tab, or the down arrow key to access the Printer Command subform, where you can type the Lawson printer command (up to 50 characters).
  4. Press Enter to save the printer command.
  5. Press Enter twice to save the printer definition.