Copy environment variable script to secondary server
When you installed on the master server, you created a script to set Lawson and third party environment variables required for the installation.
- Copy the environment variable script to the secondary server.
Using a text editor, open the script and change environment
variables as needed to reflect values on the secondary server.
Add definitions for the following COBOL compiler variables to the script.
Set $COBDIR to the location where the Cobol compiler is installed.
Ensure that $COBDIR/bin is defined in your system PATH.
Ensure that $COBDIR/lib is in your shared library path.
You can change the following to reflect the correct locations on the secondary server
Example environment variable management script
#**START REQUIRED********************************** #For Permissions umask 0000 #For JAVA export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java15 #For Perl unset PERL_BADLANG export PERL_HOME=/usr/lpp/perl #Added for Cobol export COBDIR=/usr/lpp/cobol export COBLIB=$COBDIR/lib export PATH=$COBDIR/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PERL_HOME/bin:$PATH #**END REQUIRED*********************************** #**START WEB PRODUCTS***************************** #If using IBM HTTP Server export IBMHTTP_HOME=/usr/IBMIHS export WEBDIR=/env1/apps/webdocs #If using WebSphere Application Server export WEBSPHERE_HOME=/usr/WebSphere/AppServer #**END WEB PRODUCTS******************************** #**START DB**************************************** #If using DB2 #export DB2HOME=/opt/sql/db2/db2v8/sqllib #export DB2INSTANCE=db2v8 #export PATH=$DB2HOME/bin:$PATH #If using AIX and DB2 #export LIBPATH=/usr/lib:$JAVA_HOME/lib:$DB2HOME/lib:$LIBPATH #If using ORACLE #export ORACLE_HOME= /opt/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1 #export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH #If using AIX and Oracle #export LIBPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib32:$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$LIBPATH #**STOP DB******************************************