Setting up the Database

All of the required RDBMS setup and loading was done when you installed Infor Lawson Core Technology and Lawson applications on the master server. Secondary servers will point to the same RDBMS instances and schemas.

You must ensure that the following requirements for secondary servers are met:
  • Database clients on each secondary server must be identical.

  • The database must be running.

  • The following database variables must be set on each Lawson server.

    Variable Oracle Example DB2 Example


    The directory where the database is installed. Required to pass install validation


    $DB2HOME must equal ~$DB2INSTANCE/sqllib, the sqllib subdirectory in the home directory of the DB2 instance owner.


    Must contain the directory location of the database client command



    Shared library path

    The shared library path must contain the directory(s) containing the database libraries. Lawson requires the 32-bit libraries for all supported databases.


