Resubmitting a Batch Job

Use this procedure to resubmit a job through the Job Scheduler rather than from the parameter form. You can send a request to run a batch job and assign submission parameters for the job, such as job queue, start date, and start time. This lets you direct the job to the least congested job queue or release the job when few jobs are running. The submission parameters are stored for the active job request only.

To resubmit a batch job

  1. On a Job Scheduler form, select the job you want to submit.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Submit.
  3. Select a job queue on the Job Submission form if you want the job to run on a different queue than the default queue, or leave the Job Queue field blank if you want to use the default queue.
  4. Optional. Enter a date and time in the Start Date and Start Time fields in order to schedule the job for a specific date and time.
  5. On the Job Submission form, click OK (the green check mark).
  6. Click OK to process the job submission.

    You can then access the forms that let you view the status of jobs and to print reports.

    For more information, see the sections "Checking a Job's Status" and "Working with Print Files".