
This service deletes an existing job.

URL (general format)

SERVER:PORT/lawson-ios/action/DeleteJob? <parameter=key>

Required Parameters

Parameter Key Value Type Parameter Description
jobOwner Alphanumeric string

The owner of the job in the appropriate format.

For example, in Windows, the format might be: DOMAIN\user

jobName Alphanumeric string The job name

Example URL


Additional Information

To delete multiple jobs in one call, use POST method, XML content.


Post body:

	<JOB jobName="TESTJOB" jobOwner="LAWSON\lawsonuser"/>
	<JOB jobName="TESTJOB1" jobOwner="LAWSON\anotheruser"/>

Deprecated CGI information

The DeleteJob service replaces the CGI: Deljob.exe

CGI URL: SERVER:PORT/cgi-lawson/deljob.exe?LAWSON\lawsonuser&TESTJOB

Note: The CGI did not support keys, only values.