
Changes a job currently in the waiting queue.

Required parameters

Parameter Key Value Type Parameter Description
jobNumber Alphanumeric string

A unique system-generated ID for a specific job. This is a key field and is required for most Queued Job actions.

Minimum length for strings is 1 and the maximum length for strings is 10.

Optional parameters

Parameter Key Value Type Parameter Description
startDate Date string

A future date when a job submit is triggered. Minimum length for strings is 1 and the maximum length for strings is 8.

Default value is the current date.

startTime Date string

A future time when a job submit is triggered. Minimum length for strings is 1 and the maximum length for strings is 6.

Default value is 000000.

jobStatus Integer A number that represents a status of a job. See the jobStatus table for the definition of each jobStatus number.
jobQueue Alphanumeric string

The name of the job queue where the submitted job is placed in.

Minimum length for strings is 1 and the maximum length for strings is 10.

jobStatus values and descriptions

jobStatus value Description
0 Running
1 Suspended
30 Waiting
31 Waiting step
32 Waiting on time
33 Waiting recovery
34 Needs recovery
35 invalid parameters
36 Queue inactive
37 Hold
38 Waiting replication
39 Needs replication
60 Recurring skipped
61 Recovery deleted
62 Canceled
63 Normal completion
64 Replication deleted
80 Next job number

XML request format

Format of the request XML payload for GET method calls. Take note that the jobNumber must be unchanged
