Business Logic Definition files

Infor Lawson Software Program Definition is a process that assists the programmer in developing or modifying programs. The programmer enters information about the program on program definition forms and the system stores this definition (or description) of a program in a database definition or repository.

The Lawson 4GL program generation process combines the database definition (including rules, conditions, and other logic defined in dbdef) with form or report definition (defined in pgmdef). You can find detailed information about the Lawson program development process and Lawson 4GL coding standards in the Application Developer's Workbench and Application Developer's Workbench Standards guides. Together, these documents describe how Lawson 4GL application programs are constructed and provide details about the information found in the various program development artifacts, such as screen definition files or form rules definition files.

Program generation creates these program segments that contain useful information:

  • Procedure division (PD)

    The procedural code unique to the program. The procedural code is a subset of the complete procedure division of a 4GL program. This subset contains only the paragraphs necessary to edit and process the form; the Environment handles all other routines.

    File location: $LAWDIR/productline/systemcodesrc/ProgramCodePD

    For example, the name and location for the procedure division file for the GL20 program in the dev product line is


  • Working storage data definition (WS)

    The working storage data definitions unique to the program.

    File location: $LAWDIR/productline/systemcodesrc/ProgramCodeWS

  • Form (screen) definition (.scr)

    The 4GL definition of the form or forms associated with the program. The compilation process uses this file to generate the form definition library.

    File location: $LAWDIR/productline/systemcodesrc/ProgramCode.scr

  • Form definition library (SD)

    This file is generated during the compilation process for inclusion in the program shell. The compilation process normally deletes this file at the end of compilation.

    File location: $LAWDIR/productline/sdlib/ProgramCodeSD

  • Report definition (.rpt)

    The 4GL definition of the report or reports associated with the program. The compilation process uses this file to generate the report definition library.

    File location: $LAWDIR/productline/systemcodesrc/ProgramCode.rpt

  • Report definition library (.rd)

    This file is generated during the compilation process for inclusion in the program shell. The compilation process normally deletes this file at the end of compilation.

    File location: $LAWDIR/productline/rdlib/ProgramCode.rd

  • Form rules definition (.sr)

    A form rules file is a Lawson 4GL file that enables you to define data access routines for your application. Each system in a product line can have a form rules file.

    File location: $LAWDIR/productline/systemcodesrc/

    For example, the form rules file for the product line lawapp9 and the system code AP is:


  • Object rules definition (.or)

    An object rules file is a Lawson 4GL file in which you can define the Drill Around process that the Drill Around (F5) function key follows. Object rules define the files and records that the Drill Around feature accesses, and the format of the windows that display those records. Each system in a product line can have an object rules file.

    File location: $LAWDIR/productline/systemcodesrc/systemcode.or

    For example, the object rules file for the product line lawapp9 and the system code AP is


Infor Lawson Business Logic terms

This table shows the Infor Lawson terms you must know:

Term Definition
Program A program is a set of rules and instructions for implementing those rules among a group of files.
Program code

A four- or five-character label (program code) identifies the program. A program code is unique in a product line and is attached to a system.

Program codes for online programs include a two-character system code and a two-digit suffix, for example, Employee Maintenance (HR11). Program codes for batch programs include a two-character system code and a three-digit suffix; for example, Company Listing (HR200).

The program code is may also be referred to as a token or form ID in Lawson documentation.

Online programs An online program retrieves data from the database and displays it in a form through Lawson Portal. It can also add records to the database, delete records from the database, and update records in the database.
Batch programs A batch report program retrieves data from the database and writes it to a printer or to a file. A batch update program updates data from the database and produces a report.