Required Fields

Populate these fields before calling the routine.

Field Definition
VTX-COMPANY The four-character, numeric company code.

Consists of the following two fields:


    The 9-character numeric GeoCode for the ship-to location.


    A one character code that indicates whether ship-to location is inside (1=TRUE) or outside (0=FALSE) the city limits.

VTX-TAXABLE-AMT The signed, 12-character (with 2 decimal places) numeric value for the total dollar amount for the line item.
VTX-TAX-AMOUNT The signed, 12-character (with 2 decimal places) numeric value for the total tax amount for the transaction. This field is used when processing special (tax-only debit and credit) transactions.
VTX-PROD-TAX-CAT A 15-character alphanumeric product code.
VTX-PROC-LEVEL A 5-character alphanumeric division code.
VTX-LOCATION A 5-character alphanumeric store location code.
VTX-CUSTOMER-CODE A 10-character alphanumeric customer code. This field is not used.
VTX-CUST-CLASS A 4-character customer class code.

A one-character flag that shows whether the customer is taxable or exempt.

E = Exempt

T = Taxable

D = TDM Database

VTX-CITY The 18-character alphanumeric city for the ship-to location.
VTX-STATE The 2-character alphanumeric state abbreviation for the ship-to location.
VTX-ZIP The 10-character alphanumeric postal code for the ship-to location.
VTX-FROM-CITY The 18-character alphanumeric city for the ship-from location.
VTX-FROM-STATE The 2-character alphanumeric state for the ship-from location
VTX-FROM-ZIP The 10-character alphanumeric postal code for the ship-from location.

Consists of the following two fields:


    The 9-character numeric GeoCode for the ship-from location.


    A one-character alphanumeric code that indicates whether ship-from location is inside (1=TRUE) or outside (0=FALSE) the city limits.

VTX-INVOICE A 22-character alphanumeric invoice number for the transaction
VTX-LINE-NUMBER A 6-character numeric line item number for the transaction.
VTX-QUANTITY A signed, 10-character numeric value (including 4 decimal spaces) that indicates the quantity of items for the transaction.

A one-character alphanumeric code that indicates whether the product is taxable or nontaxable. You can override the VTX-CUST-EXEMPT flag for a specified line item.

E = Exempt

T = Taxable

D = TDM Database


A one-character alphanumeric code that indicates how the register should be updated.

R = Update register

O = Update register and use VTX-TAX-AMOUNT field


A one-character alphanumeric code that indicates the type of transaction.

S = Sale

P = Purchase


A 3-character alphanumeric code that further identifies the type of transaction.

FRT = Freight


VTX-SAVE-EFFECT-DATE An 8-character numeric invoice date in CCYYMMDD format, used to retrieve current or previous tax rates. This field is useful when processing adjustments or credits for prior invoices.
VTX-SYSTEM-DATE An 8-character numeric date the transaction is processed, in CCYYMMDD format.

A one-character alphanumeric access code that indicates whether this function is specifying the jurisdiction by GeoCode or by some combination of address information.

G = GeoCode

S = State, postal code

C = State, postal code, city

Default = State, postal code, both