This routine is provided for backward compatibility. Use 900-IS-DATE-INVALID instead.

The 510-DATE-EDIT routine edits the input date for a valid month, day, and year. If in error, the DATE-ERROR switch is set to true and CRT-ERROR-NBR is set to indicate which error occurred. See Century Parameter Processing.

This routine replaces a century of 00 by storing the century in the input date.


Required Input

Field Type and length Definition
DATE-1 N 8 Date to be changed.*

*If the input date century equals 00, it changes to 19 or 20. See Century Parameter Processing.


Field Type and length Definition
DATE-ERROR N 1 Set to true on error.
CRT-ERROR-NBR N 3 If error, set to error number.
NO-ERROR-FOUND N 9 Value zero.
ERROR-FOUND A 20 Value 1 through 999.


*       Edit data for valid month and day.
        MOVE input-date                   TO DATE-1.
        PERFORM 510-DATE-EDIT.