Limits for Reports

Item Maximum size
Report name 22 characters
Group name

30 characters

Group prefix

10 characters

Field identifier 3 characters
Field name

20 characters

Note: Report names, group names, group prefixes, field identifiers, and field names must follow standard COBOL data name rules.
Reports 10 reports ($REPORT) in each program ($PROGRAM)
Print files 10 print files ($PRINTFILE) in each program ($PROGRAM)
Groups 50 groups ($GROUP) and subgroups ($SUBGRP) total in each program
Standard headers 1 (one) standard header ($STDHDR) in each report ($REPORT)
Standard footers 1 (one) standard footer ($STDFTR) in each report ($REPORT)
Formats 1 (one) in each group ($GROUP) or subgroup ($SUBGRP)
Report lines 60 in each report format ($FORMAT)
Fields 250 in each program ($PROGRAM)
Length of report line 250 characters