Working Storage

All variable names used in application programs follow standard naming conventions. This lets you easily determine the source of a variable name. The following is an example of a working storage file.

000200*                             XX01WS                      
000400 01  XX01WS.
000600     02  XX01WS-HIREDT           PIC 9(08) VALUE ZEROES.
000700     02  XX01WS-HIREDT-R         REDEFINES XX01WS-HIREDT.
000800         03  XX01WS-HIREYY       PIC 9(04).
000900         03  XX01WS-HIREMM       PIC 9(02).
001000         03  XX01WS-HIREDD       PIC 9(02).

The following rules apply to working storage data definition files, both to program-specific working storage and to working storage for library modules. For information on library modules, see Doc for Developers: Application Development Workbench.

  • A working storage file can have only one level 01 variable. The group name is the program code or library name, followed by WS.

  • Prefix all variables in the group with the group name and a hyphen (-). In the previous example, all variables start with PA01WS, which is the group name.

  • Separate the level number and the variable name with two spaces.

  • Indent a new level four spaces from the previous level.

  • When defining a group construct at levels other than 01, first define the group as an element, then redefine it into the subelements. The redefined name should have a suffix of -R, as in the previous example. In this construct, the redefined element name cannot have a VALUE clause.