Adding Detail Areas to Existing Reports

Run cnvrpt [-d|D] to add $DETAIL areas to existing ProgramCode .rpt files. cnvrpt can add the phrase delimiters for language translations and the $DETAIL areas to an existing report file, without changing the rest of the ProgramCode .rpt file.

The cnvrpt -d option only adds $DETAIL areas to those $GROUPS that do not already have a $DETAIL area defined. This preserves any hand-coded $DETAIL areas.

The cnvrpt -D option builds $DETAIL areas on all $GROUPS, removing any existing $DETAIL areas it finds.

Note:  cnvrpt saves the current ProgramCode .rpt file as ProgramCode . oldrpt. However, bldrpt creates a new ProgramCode .rpt and the current ProgramCode .rpt is lost. To save the current file, you must use cnvrpt without the -r option rather than using bldrpt.

To add $DETAIL areas to existing report files

  1. At the command line, type

    cnvrpt [-dDlNnmrsV] productline systemcode [ProgramCode]

    Field Description
    Program Options

    d - Add $DETAIL areas to $GROUPS that do not already have a $DETAIL area defined. This preserves any hand-coded $DETAIL areas.

    D - Build $DETAIL areas on all $GROUPS, removing any existing $DETAIL areas it finds.

    L - Create or rebuild all phrase delimiters, removing any existing phrase delimiters it finds.

    N - Do not add phrase delimiters. No existing phrase delimiters are deleted; the language processing is skipped entirely.

    n - Uppercase text is not changed to lowercase text.

    m - The first character on all words is capitalized.

    r - The existing ProgramCode .rpt file is not saved as ProgramCode .oldrpt.

    s - Messages suppressed.

    V - Display cnvrpt version number.

    Product Line The product line of the report you want to convert.
    System Code The system code of the report you want to convert.
    Program Code Optional. The program code of the report you want to convert. If you do not enter a program code, all reports in the system code convert.
    I/O Options Optional. Lets you redirect output to the screen or to a file.
  2. Generate the report, using the following syntax:

    Command syntax: rptgen -t productline systemcode programcode