Function Keys

This appendix describes the function keys available in Lawson program definition.

Press To
Action Paint or interpretively run a form or report.
Clear Clear information that is highlighted by the light bar from the cursor position to the end of the field, window, or detail line. Press Shift+Clear (F3) to clear the area from the cursor position to the bottom of the form or window.
Define Define various objects (for example, step parameters, report distribution, print file names, and so on). On some online forms, pressing Define (F6) transfers you to a maintenance form on which you can add a record.
Delete Delete a line or object (for example, a job name, record, recurring job, and so on). If you mark a line or object, Delete (F9) deletes the marked lines or objects.
Detail Display detail information about an object. For more information, see Getting Started with the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID)..
Edit Change an object or change the display attributes (for example, highlight, underline, and so on) of an object. For more information on display attributes, see Getting Started with the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID)..
Field Define a field.
Fields Paint selected fields on a form.
Find Open the Find window. To find a particular item, type a search string in the Find window. Find (F2) works only when the Find window first appears. Pressing Find (F2) puts the search string typed the last time you used the Find window in the active Find window. For more information, see Getting Started with the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID)..
FndNxt Find the next item in the active form or window that matches the search string typed in the Find window (see Find). Pressing Shift+FndNxt (F3) finds the previous item that matches the search string. For more information, see Getting Started with the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID)..
Help Display online help for an object. For more information, see Getting Started with the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID)..
Home Move the cursor to the top of the area (form, window, or list) the cursor is on. In some forms or windows, Shift+Home (F10) moves the cursor to the bottom of the area the cursor is on.
Input Define an input field on a form.
Insert Insert a blank line above the cursor and move the following lines down one line. On some forms, Insert (F8) lets you add an object.
JobSch Access the Active Jobs form. For more information, see Getting Started with the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID)..
Level Increment or decrement the level of an object. When you increment the level of an object, you move it under another object (for example, moving a rule under an If statement so that it applies only under the If condition). When you decrement the level of an object, you move it out from under another object.
Next Move the cursor to the next field on the form.
Output Define an output (display-only) field on a form.
Paint Quick-paint a form.
PrtMgr Access the Print Manager. For more information, see Getting Started with the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID)..
Range Define a range of values for an input field.
Form Select a form to run Form Reports against.
Select Display all valid values for a field and select a value. For more information, see Getting Started with the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID)..
Send Display or print the output, or send it to a file. For more information, see Getting Started with the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID)..
Show View form data in different ways or view related data. For more information, see Getting Started with the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID)..
Size Type in a size for a derived field.
Sort Sort form items in different ways. For more information, see Getting Started with the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID)..
Text Type in descriptive text about a menu object.
TkXfer Transfer to any program. For more information, see Getting Started with the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID)..