Online Programs
When you paint an online form, you not only define how the form looks, but also how it accesses and updates records in the database. Painting a form involves defining some or all of the following:
The fields on the form. You select the fields you want to display and update, label them, and give them characteristics (for example, default values).
A method for database record access by the form program.
Instructions that tell the form what action to perform (form actions and line actions).
Conditions that tell the form to access only certain records.
Communication between forms.
Complicated forms can involve all of these pieces. However, the system lets you quickly paint a simple form (one that accesses or updates records without restrictions) if you use the default values for the fields, the access order, and the form actions. There is also a quick-paint feature that automatically paints and labels fields in the primary and detail files. For complete information, see Quick Forms and Quick Painting.