Defining a Sort Order

  1. In the Select Order window, press Define (F6) and choose Sort.
  2. In the Define Sort Order window, press Field (F3) and choose from the following field types. For more information on fields, see Report Field Types.
    Choose To

    Select fields from the primary file or from a file with a one-to-one relation from the primary file.

    Select the fields in the order you want the file records sorted, then press OK.

    Compute Define a compute field statement for the sort order, or select an existing compute field. For instructions, see Defining a Compute Field.
    Array Value Define an array value field for the sort order. For instructions, see Defining an Array Value Field.
  3. Sort fields are ascending by default. To change a key field to sort in descending order, select the field, press Define (F6), and choose Descending. The system marks descending fields with a down arrow.

    To change a descending field back to ascending, select the field, press DefineĀ (F6), and choose Ascending.

  4. Press OK.

    The Structure Definition window appears. For more information, see Structuring a Report.