Viewing Form Information

You can view several kinds of information about a form and its files from either the Database Structure-Program Structure form or the Format form. The information you can view depends on the form from which you access the information. The following instructions combine the options from both forms.

To view form information

  1. On the Database Structure-Program Structure form or the Format form, press Detail (F5) and choose one of the following commands.
    Choose To
    Events Display the events for the form, the action for each event, the type of each event, and the state each event belongs to.
    Orders Display the access order for the form and the key field required for the Next action. If the form has more than one order, this option displays the value and name assigned to each order, and whether the order is the default order.

    Display the subtypes, states, or events for the file. From the File menu, choose Subtypes, States, or Events.

    Subtypes displays the file subtypes.

    States displays the states for the file.

    Events displays events for the file, the action for each event, the type of each event, and the state each event belongs to.

    Fields Display the fields in the primary file, their types and sizes, and how many times the field occurs.
    Relations Display information about the program primary file relations, such as related file name and type, whether the relationship is required, any delete rules, and related files.
    Conditions Display the condition names defined for the file.

    Display information about the forms. From the Form menu, choose Basic or Detail.

    Basic shows the form code and form name.

    Detail shows the form code, form type, and form name.

    Status Display status information about the form, such as the author, the date it was created, and when it was last updated.
    Reports Run a report that shows information about the form. For more information, see Running a Form Report.
  2. Press Exit to return to the form from which you accessed the information.

    In each of the form information windows, you can press Show (F7) and choose one of the following options. Each option acts like a toggle switch.

    Choose To
    Counts Display the number of records in the window. The number displays in the top right corner of the detail window. By default, the record counts do not display.
    Arrows Display the scroll bar on the right side of the window. By default, the scroll bar displays.