Download patches

  1. Create directories to hold patches. Create a patch directory for each product package you will patch, for example:

    mkdir LCTPatchDirectory

    mkdir LSSPatchDirectory

  2. Download the patch .zip files you want to install to the appropriatePatchDirectory. Patch files are located on the patch page for each product on Infor Concierge.
    Note: Do not download the patches in the same directory where the install packages of the following Lawson self-service applications are located:
    • Employee Manager Self Service

    • Requisition Center

    • Customer Self Service

    • Vendor Self Service

    • Procurement Card Self Service

    • Smart Reconciliation

  3. Ensure that the install.cfg file created by the initial Lawson installation is in the LAWDIR/system directory for each Environment on your system. The install program reads the values from your initial installation and uses them to install updates.