Remove the patch

  1. Ensure that you are in the PatchDirectory where the patch file you want to remove resides.
  2. To start the install program, type

    java -jar XXX.jar

    where XXX is the filename for this product.

  3. When the Welcome screen appears, click Next.
  4. From the drop-down list, select the Environment to remove the patch from and click Next.
    • If the patch has not been superceded, you see two options: Reload and Remove. Click Remove to back out the patch.

    • If the patch has been superceded by one or more newer patches, the only option is to remove.

    A message appears listing the patch to be removed. If one or more superceding patch(es) are detected, all patches listed will be removed.

    The following actions will be done:
         Remove LawsonCoreTechnology patch FileName (InstallID)


    FileName is the name of the .jar file for the patch to be removed.

    InstallID is the Install ID from the GlobalPerms file for the patch to be removed.

  5. Click Next to proceed with patch removal.

    The installation program searches the backup directory and restores the files from backup. The installation program then runs installation scripts to reinstall the backup files.

  6. When the patch removal process is complete, click Finish.