Set up the RDBMS
Lawson has the following setup requirements for all supported databases.
- Install the database client software on the Lawson server machine.
- Establish a database user and password.
Create the database, observing the following guidelines:
Database Guidelines Oracle The installation program will prompt for the TNS name or the SID. If you set up a SID, the SID name must not exceed 20 characters.
Lawson does not support the UTF-8 character set.
The client server character set must match that of the operating system where the client server runs.
For more information, see Oracle's NLS_LANG FAQ at
The Oracle database must be created with the following character set:
If Oracle is on a remote server, set the NLS_LANG variable on the Lawson server to the following character set:
Note: To locate theWE8ISO8859P1
character set:-
When creating the Oracle database, use the Database Configuration Assistant and choose the Advance Mode.
In the Initialization Parameters step, under the Character Set tab, uncheck the "Show recommended character sets only" checkbox.
This adds
to the drop-down list of character sets. -
as your character set.
For detailed instructions, refer to the Oracle Database documentation, available online.
DB2 The local alias name must not exceed 20 characters.
Code page 819
Code set ISO8859-1
Sort order Binary (identity)
- Set up tablespaces for tables and indexes for both GEN and LOGAN.
- Verify that you can connect to the database before you begin the Lawson installation.
- Add the directory containing the database library(s) to the shared library path on your Lawson server machine. Lawson requires the 64-bit libraries for all supported databases.
Set an environment variables to define the database
Database Define this variable Oracle $ORACLE_HOME must be defined as the directory where Oracle is installed. DB2 $DB2HOME
must equal ~$DB2INSTANCE/sqllib (the sqllib subdirectory in the home directory of the DB2 instance owner.
$DB2INSTANCE must equal the DB2 database instance name.
- Verify that the directory location of the database client command is in the PATH variable on your Lawson server machine.
Add the database environment variables to the environment
variable script.
Shared library path