Managing Environment Variables
To install Infor Lawson Core Technology successfully, a number of environment variables must be set. To ensure that your system is set up correctly, create a script to manage variables. You will run the script before you start the installation.
Use the following example to create a script to manage and set environment variables that are required to install Lawson.
Create a script to set environment variables
As you work through the pre-installation requirements, add required
variables for your configuration to the script.
Example script for AIX
Note: In the following script, substitute your Environment
name for the LawEnvName variable, for example lsfprod1.
#**START REQUIRED**********************************
#For Permissions
umask 0000
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java18
#For JAVA on AIX
#For Perl
export PERL_HOME=/opt/perl5
#Added for Cobol and C Compiler
export COBDIR=/opt/cobol
export COBLIB=$COBDIR/lib
export PATH=$COBDIR/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PERL_HOME/bin:/usr/vac/bin:/usr/vacpp/bin:$PATH
#AIX only
#export LANG=en_US
#**END REQUIRED***********************************
#**START WEB PRODUCTS*****************************
#If using IBM HTTP Server
export WEBDIR=/lsfprod1/web
#For WebSphere Application Server
export WAS_HOME=/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
export WAS_LOGS=$WAS_HOME/profiles/LawEnvName/logs/LawEnvName_app
#If using optional IBM MQ
#export BPM_ADDTL_CLASSPATH=/usr/mqm/java/lib/
# connector.jar
#export LIBPATH=/usr/mqm/java/lib:$LIBPATH
#**END WEB PRODUCTS********************************
#**START DB****************************************
#If using DB2
#export DB2HOME=/opt/sql/db2/db2v9/sqllib
#export DB2INSTANCE=db2v9
#export PATH=$DB2HOME/bin:$PATH
#If using AIX and DB2
#export LIBPATH=/usr/lib:$JAVA_HOME/lib:$DB2HOME/lib:$LIBPATH
#If using ORACLE
#export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
# If using ORACLE AND IBM Security Directory Server
#export PATH=/opt/IBM/ldap/V6.3/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
#If using AIX and Oracle
#**STOP DB******************************************