Import the ldif file

  1. On the Lawson server machine, change to the GENDIR/install directory.
  2. Remote LDAP server only Copy or FTP the lawsec_inst.ldif and manual_instructions.txt files from GENDIR/install on the Lawson server to a temporary location on the LDAP server machine.
    Note: If you use FTP to transfer the file, you must use ASCII mode. Do not use binary mode, which will cause errors during the ldif load.

    From the command prompt, change to the temporary directory where you placed the files.

  3. Using a text editor, open the document manual_instructions.txt. Identify the ldif import command in manual_instructions.txt, which was created using your installation values.
  4. Copy the ldif import command from manual_instructions.txt.
  5. Paste the ldif import command at the command prompt on the LDAP server.
    Note: Do not press Enter to run the command until you have determined whether you need to edit the command. For example, if you use a remote LDAP server, you must be sure to edit the command to point to the correct location of the ldif file.

    IBM Directory Server example

    ldapmodify -D AdministratorDN -w ? -p LDAPPort -h LDAPServerName -f lawsec_inst.ldif -v


    AdministratorDN is the DN for the LDAP administrator

    LDAPServerName is the machine name or IP address where the LDAP is installed

    LDAPPort is the listening port for the LDAP you are loading files to.

    AD LDS example

    ldifde -b AdLDSWindowsAdmin AdLDSWindowsDomain * -s LDAPServer -t LDAPPort# -i -f lawsec_inst.ldif -v


    AdLDSWindowsAdmin AdLDSWindowsDomain is the Windows user name and domain for the AD LDS administrator

    LDAPServerName is the machine name or IP address where the LDAP is installed

    LDAPPort is the listening port for the instance of the LDAP you are loading files to.

  6. Remote LDAP server only Edit the command to reflect the location of the lawsec_inst.ldif file on the LDAP server.
  7. Press Enter to run the ldif import.

    When you are prompted for a password, type in the following value:

    LDAP Value
    AD LDS The Windows password for the AD LDS administrator
    IBM Directory Server The administrator DN password
    Note: If you used binary mode to FTP the ldif file to the LDAP server, you will see errors during the ldif import. If you see errors, do not press Continue. You must re-FTP the file as an ASCII transfer and repeat the ldif import.

    If you do press Continue, you must stop the installation and start over again.