Viewing Patch Info

Information is available for these types of patches:

  • Lawson Application Patch

    The patch information being displayed depends on the product line you select.

  • LSF Technology Patch

    Requires the LAWDIR/system/GlobalPerms file in place; otherwise no data will be displayed.

  1. Click Patch Info from the navigation bar.
  2. Select Lawson Application Patch or LSF Technology Patch tab.
  3. Locate the patch by scrolling or using the column headers to filter the list.
    Filter name Description
    Patch Name Lists the available patch files in the selected product line.
    Install Message If you are looking for a particular message that could result when a patch is installed, you can filter by message text.
    Install Date Time Displays the date and time when the patch was applied to your system.
  4. To download patch information, click the Download icon from the toolbar.
    The downloaded file is saved in CSV format to your default location.