Assign roles to users


If you did not assign the security role to all users, use the steps below to assign the role to specific users.

  1. Sign in to Infor OS as an administrator.


  2. Navigate to User Menu > User Management.
  3. On the Manage/Users screen, select Configure menu, then choose Master Data Types > Security Roles.
  4. Select the security role you want to assign to users by clicking the box with the arrow next to the security role name.
  5. On the Users tab, click the Add New item icon.
  6. In the search box, enter the name of a user that has already been added to Infor OS.
  7. Select the user and click one of the following:
    • Add if you plan to add more users

    • Add & Close if you are adding only one user

  8. When you're finished adding users, click Save.