About the ssoconfig utility
The ssoconfig utility is a menu-driven tool, run from the command line, for making updates to security configuration. Many of the procedures that follow require use of the utility.
This section provides some general information about using ssoconfig. More details are in the Infor Lawson System Foundation infocenter.
Changes made using the ssoconfig utility require an Infor system restart using the stoplaw / startlaw commands. (You must also stop and restart your application server.) If you receive a timeout error message after running a stoplaw command, you can ignore it.
Menus appear in a tree format where numbers represent a menu item. For example, when you start the utility, you are presented with a set of options which might include:
(1) View current configuration
(2) Manage SecurityServer/s
(5) Back
(6) Exit
You select a menu option by typing the number that represents the option and then pressing Enter.

Numbers that correspond to a menu option might vary depending on configuration at your site. For that reason, these instructions tell you the name of a menu item rather than its number. For clarity, menu option names are shown in quotation marks.
Options for "Back" and "Exit" appear on all ssoconfig menus. "Back" takes you to the previous menu; "Exit" ends the ssoconfig session.