Configure claims

Note: If you have already configured one product to authenticate through single sign-on, including configuring claims, you do not need to perform this procedure. This might be the case, for example, if you are currently configuring HRSD and you already have already configured Infor Learning Management. The claims you created for Infor Learning Management are global and will be consumed by HRSD.

This procedure configures the claims (or credentials) that Infor Learning Management, the relying party, should accept from a user attempting to log in.

  1. Run the ssoconfig utility.

    From a command window on the LSF server, type

    ssoconfig -c

    If prompted, supply the ssoconfig password.

  2. From the ssoconfig main menu, select "Manage WS Federation Settings".
  3. From the sub-menu, select "Manage WS Federation Claims".
  4. From the next sub-menu, select "Add a claim".
  5. Follow the prompts to add each of the Claim Name, Claim Value pairs in the table. Type each exactly as shown.
    Claim Name Claim Value
    userid $ACTOR-Actor
    role $ACTOR-Roles
    GlobalLogoutURL $COMMON-GlobalLogoutURL
    LocalLogoutResponseURL $COMMON-LocalLogoutResponseURL
    SessionTimeout $COMMON-SessionTimeout
    TimeoutRequestAssertionURL $COMMON-TimeoutRequestAssertionURL
  6. When you are finished, from the Claims submenu and select the option to view claims. Verify that you have what is shown below:
    Claim: userid Value: $ACTOR-Actor
    Claim: role Value: $ACTOR-Roles
    Claim: GlobalLogoutURL Value: $COMMON-GlobalLogoutURL
    Claim: LocalLogoutResponseURL Value: $COMMON-LocalLogoutResponseURL
    Claim: SessionTimeout Value:$ COMMON-SessionTimeout
    Claim: TimeoutRequestAssertionURL Value: $COMMON-TimeoutRequestAssertionURL
  7. When you are finished adding claims, select "Back" to return to the main menu of ssoconfig. You are now ready to create and import a certificate.